Textures preview

over 15 years ago in Game and Warp Speed by matt

There’s no way for a game to become an AAA+ title if it does not look badass these days. I know you’re all tired with almost monochromatic videos wesz posts from time to time to show off his skillz, therefore I decided to mix a few textures I’ve made in the meantime so you can see how the game’s gonna look like in the future.

Click on the screens to see full size preview. I suggest that for better experience you check them out in fullscreen mode.

warpspeed textures preview

The dude as well as the weapons are just placeholders for future ball-breaking artworks.

warpspeed textures preview

There’s only a few textures present but obviously there’s a lot more to come. Whereas these here do not have too many details, I’m planning on enriching them later on as currently I’m working on getting a few more base textures that’ll look fine together when you actually texture something with them. This proved to be the hardest part so far. In general designing textures that are supposed to look fine from all four points of view is kind of tricky. I’ll go over this process in a following weeks if I’m lucky. Enjoy and stay tuned by then!

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