Ether Builder 1.9.9 Update
- Updated: Ether JS Core tweaks
- Fixed: Icon chooser UI not showing up after 1.9.7 update
- Fixed: Front-End: Widget: List Icon: One icon not showing up properly
- Updated: Front-End: Widget: Services: Source changes
- Added: Admin: Ether: Hide “Ether Board” widget from the Dashboard Widgets option
- Added: Admin: Ether: Hide “Ether” entry from the Admin Toolbar
- Updated: renamed admin/media/stylesheets/builder-preview-theme.css to admin/media/stylesheets/ether-builder-preview-theme.css
Ether Builder 1.9.8 Update: New Video
The last few months have been full of changes. We’ve redesigned many aspects of the plugin, resolved some long standing core issues, as well as updated the user interface completely. The updates should be more steady from now on. To keep everything balanced, there’s a new promo video as well – check it out over here
- Fixed: Front-End: Tabs & Accordion widget always getting auto focused on page load
- Fixed: Live Previews: got hidden in the previous WP 4.0 compatibility update, show properly now
- Updated: Brand new video preview
Ether Builder 1.9.7 Update: WP 4.0 Compat Update
- Fixed: WordPress 4.0 Compatibility: (main editor tabs overlapping builder widgets modal window)
- Updated: Core: Minor Javascript tweaks
- Fixed: Front end: Widget: Nivo: Sldier width getting applied incorrectly sometimes
- Added: Widget options: Divider: Custom top/bottom spacing
- Tweaked: Front-end: Widget: Button: Medium button icon alignment
Ether Content Builder 1.9.6 Tweaks & Bugfixes
- Updated: Admin UI tweaks
- Fixed: Javascript core: Conditional fields: multiple [OR] conditions
- Updated: Gallery widget: Option added: Show links in new tab
- Fixed: Front end: Tabs/Accordion widget: page scroll to widget position on a page load even when no hash was set
- Fixed: Front end: Custom spacing for grid slider widgets now works as expected
- Fixed: Front end: Divider, List, Message, Post Feed, Page Feed, Custom Feed: Tweaked styles
- Added: Widget: Accordion: option to toggle tab state marker on/off
- Fixed: Front+Admin: Divider widget: Tweaked styles
- Fixed: Admin: Testimonials widget: Javascript error when adding/editing widget
- Fixed: Admin: Slider Nav Preview: controls positioning not updating properly
- Fixed: Admin UI: Drag&Drop behaviour when inserting widgets into/out of columns
- Added: Builder > Grid settings: default grid spacing size
- Added: Widgets: New Icons
Ether Content Builder 1.9.5 is out! Widgets + Admin UI update
- Updated: Admin & front-end: Javascript core tweaks
- Fixed: Core: Conditional fields issue with multiple and-conditions per group
- Fixed: Admin UI: Layout of some of the toggle checkboxes was broken
- Fixed: Admin UI: Nivo Slider inits with more reasonable defaults now
- Updated: Admin UI: UI Tweaks
- Updated: Widget: Nivo Slider version (v.3.2)
- Updated: Widget: Nivo Slider options added: slices, box_cols, box_rows, direction_nav, control_nav, pause_on_hover, prev_text, next_text, random_start, theme, start_slide; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Roundabout: inits with more reasonable defaults now. Reorganised and simplified options interface; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Divider: Options added: Border style, width, color, text color; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Button: Options added: Border radius, border color; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Heading: Options added: Font size, font family (500 fonts from Google Fonts Directory), font color, font weight, font style; Updated preview
- Updated: Admin pages: Ether, Builder, License
Ether Content Builder 1.9.4 is out! Admin UI Update
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited column widget UI
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited tooltips gfx & behaviour
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited widget edit metabox checkboxes visual feedback
- Added: Admin UI: Unwrap row option for column widget
- Added: Admin UI: Widget move up/down quick access buttons
- Added: Admin UI: Builder widgets filter clear button
Ether Content Builder 1.9.2 is out! Major JS core update + UI tweaks
- Updated: Admin: major admin javascript core update
- Fixed: Admin: builder widgets metabox tabs behaviour when specific widget group is empty after filtering
- Fixed: Front+Admin: Accordion ‘constrain’ option
- Fixed: Front: Flickr Feed issues with requests where images count exceeded actual existing filtered images
- Added: Front+Admin: Accordion ‘enable current constrain ‘option allowing toggling of a current active item even when the accordion is constrained
- Added: Front+Admin: Tabs ‘tabs alignment’ option
- Updated: Front: Minor javascript core updates
- Updated: Front+Admin: Tab/Accordion core update
- Updated: Revisited Widget Summary description for all Widgets
- Changed: Admin Core: Removed widget excerpts, replaced them with widget summary
- Updated: Revisited Admin Interface styles
- Added: Group Item Duplicate option for widgets utilizing Grid Slider functionality
Ether Content Builder 1.9.1 is Out. Admin Styles & Core Updates
- Updated: Admin Pages Layout and Styles
- Changed: Reorganised Builder Widgets Select Metabox
- Changed: Reorganised Builder Widgets in Ether > Builder > Visibility section
- Fixed: Javascript Uncaught ReferenceError: dynamic_label is not defined error when inserting new images to a Gallery Widget via Insert Image button (bug introduced in 1.8.9)
Ether Content Builder 1.9 hotfix release
- HOTFIX: HTML content breaking the page layout and rendering the admin page unusable within widgets such as Services, Pricing Boxes, Testimonials etc.
- Fixed: Admin: Live Preview of widget alignment not being updated
- Fixed: Pricing Table Widget issues: Aside column disappearing when no title was set
Ether Content Builder 1.8.9 is out! Pricing Tables/Boxes overhaul + misc tweaks
Full changelog below:
- Added: Heading Widget: Text Alignment option
- Added: Pricing Box Widget: 3 predefined styles. New options (Title icon, title icon alignment, button icon, button icon alignment, button size, button style). Live Preview.
- Added: Pricing Table Widget: Live Preview. New options (Title icon, title icon alignment, button icon, button icon alignment, button size, button style). Brand new user interface for adding columns. Slightly updated front-end styles
- Updated: Live Preview is now more interactive
- Added: Live Previews for separate items for all widgets utilizing Grid Slider.
- Updated: Unified Icon Chooser for all Widgets that utilize icons (List, Button, Pricing Box, Pricing Table, Tabs, Accordion etc.). Currently available sets include recently introduced WP Dashicons and Ether List Icons.
- Updated: Optimized Widget edit metabox loading times
- Updated: Admin: Minor CSS adjustments
- Fixed: Widgets Previews not showing in Appearance > Widgets