Ether Builder 1.8.1 (WordPress 3.8 update)

over 10 years ago in API, Ether Builder and News by luke

Ether Builder 1.8.1 available via auto update feature. Should be available on CodeCanyon in 24 hours.

Changes in the twitter feed

over 11 years ago in API and Ether Builder by luke

So yeah, new twitter api require oauth, so i decided to get rid of server side twitter feeds.

Right now twitter feed in the Ether Builder is powered by TwitterFetcher. Everything will look and work the same with one exception.

Instead of passing twitter username you have to pass twitter widget id now. Here is how you get it (text from TwitterFetcher’s page):

Go to and sign in as normal, go to your settings page.
Go to “Widgets” on the left hand side.
Create a new widget for what you need eg “user timeline” or “search” etc.
Feel free to check “exclude replies” if you dont want replies in results.
Now go back to settings page, and then go back to widgets page, you should
see the widget you just created. Click edit.
Now look at the URL in your web browser, you will see a long number like this:
Use this as your ID below instead!

Patch will be available on CodeCanyon soon, in the meantime you can request this patch via email

Extended license for Ether Builder

over 11 years ago in API and Ether Builder by luke

Extended license for Ether Builder is available via CodeCanyon. More info about CodeCanyon licensing here.

Theme integration tutorial will be available soon.

Ether Builder 1.7.5 (500 Internal server error hotfix)

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Builder and News by luke
  • fixed 500 internal server error

Ether Builder 1.7.4

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Builder and News by luke
  • Fixed: issue with thesis theme
  • Fixed: Ether Builder takes into account password protected posts
  • Fixed: Simplekey theme issue
  • Fixed: Visual composer compatibillity
  • Fixed: Rich Text
  • Added: TED video support for video widget
  • Added: Video support for Services widget (youtube, vimeo, ted, blip)
  • Added: Start item position for sliders (Gallery, Testimonials, Services widgets)
  • Changed: Documentation updates (mainly regarding custom CSS rules)
  • Fixed: Navigation arrows getting partially cut off in Gallery Widget
  • Added: Custom label for Rich Text widget
  • Fixed: Rich Text widget error in sidebar widgets

Ether Builder 1.7.3

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Builder and News by luke
  • Fixed: jQuery 2.0 compatibility
  • Fixed: Removed conditional ( ! user_can_richedit()) – rich text editor should be more stable now
  • Fixed: “wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/en.js 404” Error
  • Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rd party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function (Double from prev update)
  • Fixed: removed deprecated wp_tiny_mce() function from builder.php
  • Added: support for https protocol when including css/js

Ether Forms 1.0.1

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Forms and News by luke
  • Fixed: Error preventing from accessing form entries
  • Fixed: Styling of entries sent via email

Ether Forms – New plugin released

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Forms and News by luke

We are happy to announce that we have launched the new plugin – Ether Forms.

Ether Form Builder WordPress Plugin is a form building tool aided with visual composer allowing creation of complex form layouts easily. It comes equipped with all commonly used form elements as well as some extra widgets accessible via interactive Drag & Drop interface. No coding knowledge required. Ether Forms is an integral branch of Ether Content Builder – largely popular top content composer for WordPress.

Buy Ether Forms via CodeCanyon

Ether Backup 1.2.1

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Backup and News by luke
  • core changes
  • minor ui updates

Ether Builder 1.7.2

over 11 years ago in API, Ether Builder and News by luke
  • Fixed: bug with generating wrong slugs (caused by sidebar widgets using wp_query and the_post when moving them from sidebars to builder)
  • Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rt party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function
  • Fixed: Lightbox issues
  • Added: Resave with the same name to update layouts
  • Fixed: IE7 Columns issues
  • Fixed: IE7 Form Fields issues