Tom Scholes – Ether Swamp

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke


George S. Patton

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

B. B. King – Let the good time roll

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke

John Bauer

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke


Raf Simons

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke

I’m attracted to things
that i can’t define.

Circle of Abstract Ritual

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke

The Witness

over 9 years ago in Inspire by luke


Having a perspective now

over 9 years ago in Inspire by matt

So I’m in a middle of the process of updating the account on FREELANCER.COM, right? This is because we did some successful freelancing back in a day, then switched focus for a couple of years, and now are pondering on having another stab at FREELANCING.

Obviously, the old description from 2012 was outdated so I scraped it and rewritten a thing or two. Coming up with a QUICK and INSIGHTFUL writing was quite an interesting and challenging process.  A blend of nostalgia mixed with ice cold analysis, you know, just to flesh out the important stuff, leave out the blether, and mind you I have a great great tendency for it.

Personally, I like the piece, I would hire us if I were you but the experience shows that I have slightly sick and twisted world perspective and this might explain a lot of things.

Anyway, here’s the newly crafted piece, hopefully it will land us a job or two in the coming units of TIME:


WHAT, What. what?

What type of ENTITY are we? Two freelance in-house web developers from Poland.

How did we get here? HISTORY, not boring.

1) A FEW YEARS BACK – out of high school, heads full of IDEAS, we heavily relied on living off freelancing, almost exclusively. Check our activity log predating 2012 for an insight.
2) Then, in 2012+, heads still full of IDEAS, we tried selling on Envato, released a few pretty successful projects there. Check out the portfolio for some details on that, too.
3) 2015+ came and (heads still full of IDEAS) we decided to get back into what got us going in the first place. All these years were a good time full of lessons on how to approach people, life and business, how to connect all these together and how not to. At the moment we’re EXTREMALLY looking forward to establishing LONG TERM BUSINESS partnerships and working together on SMALL and MEDIUM sized projects.


What are we good at?

-Perfectly tailored COMMUNICATION along the way throughout the whole project,
-Delivering high QUALITY end-product,
-Long term relationships – BUSINESSLIKE

The BAD.

What are we not good at?

-We have a solid history on sidetracking on a million of unrelevant project during the course of all these years. WAIT. But.. But.. That’s meant to be a positive thing, exploring things. Right? Well, evaluate for yourself!


-We live in Poland (THIS is not the ugly part you.. you.. you little-middle-european-caucassian-male hater!), so you’d think our timezone is GMT+1 but in fact it’s RANDOM and spread out all over the scale. Sometimes we work on weekends, sometimes not. Sometimes we respond within minutes, some other times, NOT. But we’re programmed to DELIVER QUALITY. Some say such unorganised workflow is unreliable – we DON’T.


Back in the day, when (formerly was a leader in the outsourcing of IT industry and we were in the middle of our FREELANCING amok, that’s the quote we had in our description:

“Every client we’ve had so far was more than satisfied with the quality of our services, so why don’t you join them? ;-) ” – TRUE


This is supposedly where you, upon reviewing our BID and checking our E-BIO, go ahead and HIRE us!

Arthur Radebaugh

over 9 years ago in Inspire by matt

Artur Radebaugh - Closer than we think!

Ether Forms 1.5.7 Update

over 9 years ago in API, Ether Forms and News by ether

Version 1.5.7 released on February 13, 2015

  • Fixed Admin: column icons improperly collapsing on smaller screens
  • Hotfix Admin: Fixed conditional fields UI not populating with fields present in the main builder editor