Time Traveler’s Journal #2

over 6 years ago in Time Traveler's Journal by matt

Observe the moment, adapt yourself, shape the outside. The ol’ timer said to me once, the name of whom I cannot even remember anymore, if he was really ever there. Sane or not, the idea remained in me, and will most likely prevail. And so the guy lives, a part of him. Observe, adapt, shape. You’re not perfect. Not you is not perfect. You are watching and so are them.

A good trade.

Time Traveler’s Journal #1

over 6 years ago in Time Traveler's Journal by matt

Nothing prepared me to experience life more than my failed lifelong ideas of the perfect life I thought I was supposed to have when I grow up when I was younger. It’s not the right path for everyone but it worked for me, and it worked exceptionally well given the circumstances. I don’t have almost nothing but that’s not the endgame. I can see it clearly these days. I am glad. I feel free. I found myself. I feel unfit with this world but I found myself. There’s lots of confidence and comfort to be gained in finding the inner truths and workings of life. Of LIFE. Not the life you’re being told to live – to follow. The LIFE itself. The uncountable whys and hows of being here in the now. Perhaps that’s just my deluding myself to keep things in order. I don’t know for sure. How can I? Who do you think I am? God?