- Updated: Admin UI tweaks
- Fixed: Javascript core: Conditional fields: multiple [OR] conditions
- Fixed: Front end: Divider, List, Message, Post Feed, Page Feed, Custom Feed: Tweaked styles
- Fixed: Front+Admin: Divider widget: Tweaked styles
- Fixed: Admin UI: Drag&Drop behaviour when inserting widgets into/out of columns
- Updated: Admin UI tweaks
- Fixed: Javascript core: Conditional fields: multiple [OR] conditions
- Updated: Gallery widget: Option added: Show links in new tab
- Fixed: Front end: Tabs/Accordion widget: page scroll to widget position on a page load even when no hash was set
- Fixed: Front end: Custom spacing for grid slider widgets now works as expected
- Fixed: Front end: Divider, List, Message, Post Feed, Page Feed, Custom Feed: Tweaked styles
- Added: Widget: Accordion: option to toggle tab state marker on/off
- Fixed: Front+Admin: Divider widget: Tweaked styles
- Fixed: Admin: Testimonials widget: Javascript error when adding/editing widget
- Fixed: Admin: Slider Nav Preview: controls positioning not updating properly
- Fixed: Admin UI: Drag&Drop behaviour when inserting widgets into/out of columns
- Added: Builder > Grid settings: default grid spacing size
- Added: Widgets: New Icons
- Updated: Core update
- Updated: Admin & Javascript core update
- Fixed: Core: Conditional fields issue with multiple and-conditions per group
- Updated: Admin UI: UI Tweaks
- Updated: Admin pages: Ether, Update, License, Backup
- Updated: Admin & front-end: Javascript core tweaks
- Fixed: Core: Conditional fields issue with multiple and-conditions per group
- Updated: Admin UI: UI Tweaks
- Updated: Widget: Divider: Options added: Border style, width, color, text color; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Heading: Options added: Font size, font family (500 fonts from Google Fonts Directory), font color, font weight, font style; Updated preview
- Updated: Admin pages: Ether, Update, License
- Updated: Admin & front-end: Javascript core tweaks
- Fixed: Core: Conditional fields issue with multiple and-conditions per group
- Fixed: Admin UI: Layout of some of the toggle checkboxes was broken
- Fixed: Admin UI: Nivo Slider inits with more reasonable defaults now
- Updated: Admin UI: UI Tweaks
- Updated: Widget: Nivo Slider version (v.3.2)
- Updated: Widget: Nivo Slider options added: slices, box_cols, box_rows, direction_nav, control_nav, pause_on_hover, prev_text, next_text, random_start, theme, start_slide; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Roundabout: inits with more reasonable defaults now. Reorganised and simplified options interface; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Divider: Options added: Border style, width, color, text color; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Button: Options added: Border radius, border color; Updated preview
- Updated: Widget: Heading: Options added: Font size, font family (500 fonts from Google Fonts Directory), font color, font weight, font style; Updated preview
- Updated: Admin pages: Ether, Builder, License
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited column widget UI
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited tooltips gfx & behaviour
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited widget edit metabox checkboxes visual feedback
- Added: Admin UI: Unwrap row option for column widget
- Added: Admin UI: Widget move up/down quick access buttons
- Added: Admin UI: Builder widgets filter clear button
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited column widget UI
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited tooltips gfx & behaviour
- Updated: Admin UI: Revisited widget edit metabox checkboxes visual feedback
- Added: Admin UI: Unwrap row option for column widget
- Added: Admin UI: Widget move up/down quick access buttons
- Added: Admin UI: Builder widgets filter clear button
- Updated: Admin: major admin javascript core update
- Fixed: Admin: builder widgets metabox tabs behaviour when specific widget group is empty after filtering
- Updated: Revisited Widget Summary description for all Widgets
- Changed: Admin Core: Removed widget excerpts, replaced them with widget summary
- Updated: Revisited Admin Interface styles
- Updated: Admin: major admin javascript core update
- Fixed: Admin: builder widgets metabox tabs behaviour when specific widget group is empty after filtering
- Fixed: Front+Admin: Accordion ‘constrain’ option
- Fixed: Front: Flickr Feed issues with requests where images count exceeded actual existing filtered images
- Added: Front+Admin: Accordion ‘enable current constrain ‘option allowing toggling of a current active item even when the accordion is constrained
- Added: Front+Admin: Tabs ‘tabs alignment’ option
- Updated: Front: Minor javascript core updates
- Updated: Front+Admin: Tab/Accordion core update
- Updated: Revisited Widget Summary description for all Widgets
- Changed: Admin Core: Removed widget excerpts, replaced them with widget summary
- Updated: Revisited Admin Interface styles
- Added: Group Item Duplicate option for widgets utilizing Grid Slider functionality
- Updated: Admin Pages Layout and Styles
- Changed: Reorganised Builder Widgets Select Metabox
- Changed: Reorganised Builder Widgets in Ether > Builder > Visibility section
- Fixed: Javascript Uncaught ReferenceError: dynamic_label is not defined error when inserting new images to a Gallery Widget via Insert Image button (bug introduced in 1.8.9)