Ether Builder 1.7.4
- Fixed: issue with thesis theme
- Fixed: Ether Builder takes into account password protected posts
- Fixed: Simplekey theme issue
- Fixed: Visual composer compatibillity
- Fixed: Rich Text
- Added: TED video support for video widget
- Added: Video support for Services widget (youtube, vimeo, ted, blip)
- Added: Start item position for sliders (Gallery, Testimonials, Services widgets)
- Changed: Documentation updates (mainly regarding custom CSS rules)
- Fixed: Navigation arrows getting partially cut off in Gallery Widget
- Added: Custom label for Rich Text widget
- Fixed: Rich Text widget error in sidebar widgets
Ether Builder 1.7.3
- Fixed: jQuery 2.0 compatibility
- Fixed: Removed conditional ( ! user_can_richedit()) – rich text editor should be more stable now
- Fixed: “wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/en.js 404” Error
- Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rd party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function (Double from prev update)
- Fixed: removed deprecated wp_tiny_mce() function from builder.php
- Added: support for https protocol when including css/js
Ether Forms 1.0.1
- Fixed: Error preventing from accessing form entries
- Fixed: Styling of entries sent via email
Ether Forms – New plugin released
We are happy to announce that we have launched the new plugin – Ether Forms.
Ether Form Builder WordPress Plugin is a form building tool aided with visual composer allowing creation of complex form layouts easily. It comes equipped with all commonly used form elements as well as some extra widgets accessible via interactive Drag & Drop interface. No coding knowledge required. Ether Forms is an integral branch of Ether Content Builder – largely popular top content composer for WordPress.
Ether Backup 1.2.1
- core changes
- minor ui updates
Ether Builder 1.7.2
- Fixed: bug with generating wrong slugs (caused by sidebar widgets using wp_query and the_post when moving them from sidebars to builder)
- Fixed: Ether does not use built in get_called_class function as it caused too many problems in cases where 3rt party theme/plugin used own implementation of the function and ether assumed it to be a core function
- Fixed: Lightbox issues
- Added: Resave with the same name to update layouts
- Fixed: IE7 Columns issues
- Fixed: IE7 Form Fields issues
Ether Builder 1.7.1 (WordPress 3.5)
- Support for Post Revisions (beta) – it’s turned off by default and can be turned on in Ether > Builder > Enable revision support for Builder content
- Fixed: Scroll Spy issues
- Fixed: Conflicts with some theme/plugins interfering with searching posts for Ether Content Builder content
- Fixed: ‘output buffering’ issue causing fatal error
- Fixed: pods plugin conflict
- Fixed: Saving/Loading Ether Content Builder templates
- Fixed: Links in admin bar removed for users without proper permissions
- Added: Widget label (misc tab) – allows to provide custom title/label for a widget that appears in admin view (so you can have a widget titled ‘Image – custom image description’ rather than ‘Image – /path/to/image/or-other-cryptic-stuff’)
- Fixed: Warnings caused by changes applied to $wpdb->prepare() method in WordPress 3.5
Ether Builder 1.7.0
- Added: Blank Canvas option via Builder metabox for creating landing pages without any theme styles and only Ether Content Builder widgets
- Added: CSS style widget for adding extra css rules on a single page
- Added: Ether > Builder > Custom CSS field for any global css changes
- Added: Template Widget – Allows templates to be added to a page the same way widgets are
- Added: Link Widget
- Addded: Heading menu / Scrollspy menu that takes headings that exist within the content and creates a menu out of them
- Fixed: New Twitter api compatibility
- Fixed: Error in WordPress 3.5 beta2
- Fixed: Unit type input in field widgets (px / % / em)
- Added: ID attribute for heading widget
- Added: Custom href destination for divider widget
- Fixed: Javascript error: “undefined switchEditor”
- Added: Filters for defining new selectboxes in widget styles (ether_image_frames, ether_blockquote_styles, ether_table_styles, ether_multi_styles (tabs and accordion), ether_testimonials_styles, ether_pricing-table_styles, ether_heading-menu_styles)
- Added: Filter for adding new color presets in Ether > Builder – ether_builder_presets
- Added: Support for default featured image for post feeds. If Ether Builder does not find one set in Builder metabox it will try and search for it in featured image.
Ether Backup 1.2
- Removed: Additional tables field
- Added: Autodetect of all WordPress and custom plugin tables and their inclusion in a backup
- Added: Possibility of including active theme and plugin files in a backup
- Fixed: Migration of tables from Mult-Single sites environments
Ether Builder 1.6.8
- Fixed: shortcodes conflicts (shortcodes from all plugins should wor flawlessly now)
- Fixed: metabox builder
- Fixed: hardcoded strings in builder.js that prevented a few phrases from being translated to other languages
- Fixed: rich text issue with visual editor tab turned off
- Fixed: image insert in image related widgets (galleries) (it used to break sometimes so that inserted images would line up in one column instead of three)
- Fixed: gallery titles
- Fixed: issues with post feed and some galleries overlapping other widgets due to their height being incorectly calculated